Friday, June 10, 2011

First Post!!!

So I am blogger virgin. I’ve been thinking and talking about starting a blog now for a little while but didn’t think I would actually do it. To be honest I was afraid to write about my thoughts and stuff I think is interesting and nobody like it and find it boring. But then I thought about it and I don’t really care,  I just want to express my thoughts and try something new. 
Thinking about the name was the hardest part and with some help of my boyfriend Shane (whom I will be probably be mentioning a lot in my posts) I decided to go with Epoch. I hope you all like the name and enjoy my posts. When I randomly think of stuff I want to share I’m going to post as much as I can... Let the blogging begin!

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind dont matter and those who matter don't mind." -Dr. Seuss

1 comment:

  1. Hey hol! phone went dead!! The blog looks good!!! I'll be reading it daily I am sure!! Maybe i'll start one about my summer here in Halifax. haha also, my friend started a new blog as well all about different recipes and stuff she makes daily and I think you would enjoy it! It's if you wanna check that out! Miss you SO MUCH
